TsunAWI namelist file

This section describes the settings possible in tsunami.namelist with the blocks

Generally, most parameters definitions may be skipped. Some are only necessary for a certain model setting, and missing values are replaced by defaults set in the code, parameters.F90, subroutine read_namelist. If parameters are set by TsunAWI, a message is printed to the standard output.

Some checking on valid input data is done, but this is far from complete.


variable default comment
MeshPath ’./’ Path to nod2d.out, elem2d.out, ending with /
IniCondPath ’./’ Only for enable_read_initial_field: Path to file with initial conditions, ending with /
OutputPath ’./’ All output goes here (netcdf, binary, restart), path ends with /.
TopoFile ’nodhn.out’ Relative to mesh path
TideGaugeFile ’./TG_list.txt’ For write_tidegauge_data=.true.: File with tide gauge location (each row: TG short name or urn, longitude, latitude)
output_prefix Will be added to output file name.
coordinate_type 1
1: geographical coordinates °E, °N
2: Cartesian coordinates [meters]
rotation_type 2
0: No Coriolis force
2: Latitude depended Coriolis force
(constant or \beta-plane Coriolis not implented)
momadv_type 1
0: No no-linear advection
1: Full P_1 scheme for non-lin. advection
2: P_1^{NC} -P_1 scheme
wetting_drying_type 1
1: extrapolation to dry nodes
2: as in GETM (experimental), uses H_mn, H_crit
use_bv_roughness .false Brunt–Väisälä frequency (for TunAWI with tides, experimental internal code)
nmb_iter_smooth_inicond 0 Number of smoothing sweeps for initial condition
nmb_iter_smooth_topo 2 Number of smoothing sweeps for bathymetry / topography
verbosity 1
0: output only at initialisation
1-5: talk more about time stepping


variable default comment
enable_ruptgen_scenario .false. .true.: Settings for GITEWS scenario database
enable_okada_scenario .false. .true.: Initial conditions from Okada parameters
enable_read_initial_field .false. .true.: Initial elevation (at nodes) from file
enable_benchmark .false. .true.: For benchmarks requiring special treatment
benchmark_ident 1
1: Run up on a sloping beach
2: Okushiri channel experiment
enable_idealised .false. .true.: Cosine bell scaled according to magnitude
enable_dhdt .false. .true.: Enables moving bottom, read from file, see swe.F90, subroutine readdhtdt


Required for enable_okada_scenario=.true.. See Okada parameters for details.

variable default comment
okada_type determined by suffix of okada_parameter_file
'tsunawi': generic format for TsunAWI, usually no suffix
'usgs.param': as provided by USGS, usual suffix .param
okada_parameter_file 'okada_parameter_file' Absolute path or relative to working directory
okada_fault_list_file 'fault_list'
Absolute path or relative to working directory,
only needed for TsunAWI type input


Required for enable_ruptgen_scenario=.true.. As TsunAWI was initially used to compute a database of tsunami scenarios along the Sunda Arc, Indonesia, the setup was coded into TsunAWI. It might be useful as a basis for similar approaches. See RuptGen scenarios for details.

variable default comment
RuptGen_ver 2 RuptGen version
MeshID 0 numerical ID of mesh used
Epi_i none Index of epicentrum along the Sunda trench
Epi_j none Index of epicentrum perpendicular to the trench
mw none Magnitude of earthquake


Required for enable_read_initial_field=.true.

variable default comment
init_filename “” Filename for initial field (at nodes), relativ to IniCondPath


Required for model_init_idealised=.true.. See Idealised source for details.

variable default comment
ideal_mw none magnitude
ideal_epi_lon none epicenter longitude [°E]
ideal_epi_lat none epicenter latitude [°N]
ideal_shape cosine Only choice so far…
ideal_scaling 'strasser2010' Only choice so far…
ideal_rigidity 3.0e11 Rigidity (the lower, the larger the source at the same magnitude)


variable default comment
enable_snapshots .false. .true.: Snapshots are written each T_out seconds
enable_nc_out .false. .true.: Write netcdf output
write_diag_in_nc_snapshots .false.
.false.: write mwh, arrival time only once, at the end of the simulation
.true.: write each T_out seconds, e.g., to check intermediate results of long runs.
enable_bin_out .false. .true.: Write binary output
enable_ascii_out .false. .true.: Write ascii output
write_raster_out .false. .true.: Interpolate mwh, ssh to raster, specify details in &output_raster
write_restart .false. .true.: Write restart file each T_chunk seconds of model time
write_groundtrack_data .false. .true.: extract data at Jason, Topex/Poseidon tracks (hard coded for Sumatra tsunami 2004)
write_ascii_neighbourhood .false. Write node neighbourhood to neighbourhood.out. Useful for analysis, as initial grid does not contain this information
write_velocity .false. .true.: If enable_snapshots, also the velocity is written each T_out.
write_cfl .false. .true.: Compute and write CFL value |\vec{v}|/dx to netcdf
write_ttt .false. .true.: the estimated travel time (for the wave propagation purely determined by bathymetry with velocity \sqrt{g h}) is computed and written to the output before the main computation starts
write_energy .false. .true.: Compute and write total kinetic and potential energy to netcdf
write_tidegauge_data .false. .true.: Write ascii mareograms at tide gauge locations given in TideGaugeFile each T_out_tidegauges seconds of model time
write_final_checksums .false. .true.: Write checksums of last timestep’s ssh, u2, v2 to file in OutputPath
nc_snapshot_accuracy_ssh -1. Unit [m], default: full accuracy. For positive values, \zeta_h is rounded to the given value [m] before being written to netcdf file. Improves compression.
write_nc_inundation .false. .true.: Write a netcdf file with mesh reduced to inundated area. Significanly speeds up postprocessing for raster data of inundation.


If enable_raster_out=.true., details of the output to Golden Surfer Grid format can be specified here.

Remark: The raster output is still experimental, with many choices to be hard coded in src/output_raster.F90, e.g. if land nodes should be included or only the inundation is of interest.

variable default comment
raster_dx 0.2 or raster_dy, if given Raster pixel size [°] for geographical coordinates, [m] for cartesian
raster_dy raster_dx As raster_dx
raster_ssh_T_out -1. Default: No timesteps written. Specify output frequency in [seconds]
raster_ssh_accuracy -1. Round ssh, mwh to given accuracy [meters] to improve compression. Default: no rounding
raster_eta_accuracy -1. Round eta to given [min]. Default: no rounding
raster_boundingbox bounding box of computational area Optionally, specify the array (/ lower_left_lon, upper_right_lon, lower_left_lat, lower_left_lat /)
raster_ascii .false. .true.: Write Ascii grd. Default: binary


variable default comment
dt 1. Timestep in [seconds]
T_end 3600. Full model time [s]
T_chunk T_end Write restart file after T_chunk seconds of model time, if enable_restart and stop. The next model run detects the restart file and proceeds until 2\timesT_chunk is reached, and so forth until T_end.
T_out T_end Snapshots written each T_out seconds of model time. Default: Snapshot only at the end.
T_out_tidegauge T_out Write mareograms at tide gauge locations each T_out_tidegauge seconds of model time. Requires write_tidegauge_data=.true.
smooth_vel_time 12.*3600. For stability, smooth velocity field after smooth_vel_time seconds
viscosity_type 1
1: linear Viscosity, parameter Ah0
2: Smagorinski Viscosity, parameter smag_fact
smag_fact 0.3 Factor for Smagorinski viscosity
Ah0 0.05 Factor for linear viscosity
alpha 0.05 Robert-Asselin-Filter for leap-frog timestepping
Cd 0.02 Constant Manning roughness parameter
Dcr 0.1 Critical depth [m] for roughness.
H_mn 0.02 Minimum depth [m] for GETM scheme
H_crit 0.1 Critical depth [m] for GETM scheme


This block is optional. Usually, TsunAWI employs constant friction, but you can specify locally varying friction, e.g., dependend on land use.

variable default comment
enable_variable_bottom_friction .false.
.false.: Constant Manning friction Cd is used
.true.: Read Manning parameter at nodes from file
BottomFrictionFile 'mng2d.out' Filename, relative to MeshPath
mng_min 0.0 Lower threshold
mng_max -1. If >0., upper threshold