TsunAWI output files¶
Netcdf output¶
As the most common format in oceanography, netcdf (https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/) is also used for TsunAWI. The output file contains meta data on the model run, input data, and of course the results. The most important parameters and fields are
- Number of mesh nodes.
- Number of mesh elements.
- Number of written time steps (determined by
). time(iteration)
- Model time of the output time steps, in seconds since the start of the simulation.
- Node coordinates, either as geographical degrees or in meters.
- Triangulation as in
. tri_area(elements_2D)
- Areas of the triangles [m:math:^2].
- Bathymetry [m] at the nodes, before smoothing and before adding the uplift, subtracting the subsidence due to the earthquake.
- Bathymetry [m] at the nodes, after smoothing and adding/substracting the uplift/subsidence.
: Sea surface elevationat the nodes for each output time step
[s].This forms usually the largest part of the netcdf output. To improve compression of the resulting file,
can be written with reduced accuracy (skipping too detailed information) specified as
[m] in the namelist. Reasonable values are 0.01 (1cm) or 0.001 (1mm).first_arrival(nodes_2D)
- Arrival time [s], defined as the first time to reach the threshold of 0.01m.
- For each node, determine the maximum ssh [m] over all timesteps.
- Determine the maximum absolute velocity in each edge, interpolated to the nodes. To be taken with care in the inundation zone, when the velocity is extrapolated.
- In each node, multply the absolute velocity and the water depth and determine the maximum value over all timesteps.
Further fields can be written on request:
- If
, the horizontal velocityis interpolated from the edges to the nodes and written.
- The estimated travel time of the wave purely determined by bathymetry with velocity
) is computed and written to the output before the main computation starts. Compared to
derived from the simulation, this simple estimate usually results in faster arrival and in a smooth field by definition. This makes it handy to use as a warning product: The threat is overestimated, and the isolines look nice. epot(iteration), ekin(iteration)
- In each timestep, intergrate the potential and kinetic energy [J].
cfl(iteration, nodes_2D)
- If
, the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition can be examined:is computed for each edge,
=edgelength, and interpolated to the nodes.
Netcdf output of inundated area¶
Switch on with write_nc_inundation=.true.
. For faster postprocessing, the information can be reduced to the inundated area, i.e., the triangulation is reduced to elements that were fully on land before the earthquake elevated or subsided the topography, and at least one node of each triangle was inundated with.
The following parameters and fields are available:
- The number of nodes and elements of the reduced triangulation
- Coordinates of these nodes
triangles(elements_2D, 3)
- The reduced triangulation and the area of each element, which might be handy in post processing
- The topography before and after the rupture(s) and the smoothing step
- As we only regard nodes on land: the maximum depth of the inundation at each node
- Maximum velocity and flux at each node.
Mareogram at tide gauge location¶
Mareograms at tide gauge locations can be written into ascii files. In
the namelist, set write_tidegauge_data=.true.
and the interval in
, if it differs from the snapshot interval T_out
The tide gauge locations are read from the file TG_list.txt
in the
working directory or any other file specified by TideGaugeFile
the namelist.
Each row defines one tide gauge with the location’s longitude and latitude. The tide gauge name may be the urn from the GITEWS project, a short identifier, or some own definition without any space and possibly a short identifier separted by a “:”.
urn:gfz:gitews:def:procedure:tg:station:como 43.2481 -11.7035
urn:gfz:gitews:def:procedure:tg:station:meul 96.2167 4.3167
musc 23.6333 58.5667
Northsea-Germany-Cuxhaven:cux 53.8678 8.7175
The tide gauge identifier or the last part of the urn or similar
definition (extracted as the characters between the last “:
” and the
space), becomes part of the file name, e.g., for the first station in
the list above TG_como_scen-id.out
. In the following example output,
the tide gauge was vertically moved by the virtual earthquake. The water
level is simply extraced from the nearest grid node in water (no
% urn:gfz:gitews:def:procedure:tg:station:gano
% TG longitude, latitude 102.277800 -5.346100
% Index of nearest grid node with depth>1m 573645
% Grid node longitude latitude 102.277243 -5.345681
% Distance [m] to grid node 77.4244
% Water depth [m] at grid node 8.1311
% time since rupture [min] sea surface elevation [m]
0.00 -0.0005
1.00 -0.0005
2.00 -0.0005
3.00 -0.0005
4.00 -0.0005
5.00 -0.0005
6.00 -0.0005
7.00 -0.0005
8.00 -0.0004
9.00 -0.0003
10.00 -0.0002
If you have other needs, e.g., another input format, modify
, subroutines ascii_out_tidegauge_init
Raster output¶
This experimental TsunAWI feature interpolates to a raster of given resolution. We chose Surfer 6 Binary Grid File Format (see http://grapherhelp.goldensoftware.com/subsys/surfer_6_grid_file_format.htm), because it is a simple binary format that can be written w/o additional libraries. Even if compressed by gzip, if can be read by QGIS and translated to e.g. GeoTiff with GDAL.
Switch on with enable_raster_out=.true.
, see &output_raster for further settings in the namelist.
Unfortunately, many choices are still hard coded and you have to edit output_raster.F90 e.g. to switch between values only in the ocean, only on land, or both.
Summing up, the raster output produces (replace ID
by the ID chosen for the simulation):
- Maximum ssh over all timesteps, linear interpolation.
- Maximum inundation, with a more careful maximum value approach for each raster pixel.
- Sea surface height, one file each
seconds, here tttttt seconds after the tsunami origin, padded with zeros to 6 digits.. ID_ttt.grd
- If
, interpolate the estimated tsunami trave time to raster, too.
We recommend to compress the grd-files with gzip, because usually, it saves a lot of disk space, in particular, if the accuracy was reduced.
The interpolation is a simple linear interpolation from the triangular element which includes the middle of the raster pixel. Clearly, this is only a valid choice for a qualitative visualisation. If the raster is coarser than the computational mesh, and many features of the topography and thus the tsunami are not resolved, it is basically a lottery which value is chosen for a pixel.
Therefore, a more careful approach is used for TSID_mwh_maxLand.grd
. Here, the linear interpolation is replaced by the maximum value of the linear interpolation and of all values at nodes inside the pixel. The aim is to not underestimate the inundation by an unfortunate interplay of computational mesh, linear interpolation, and raster resolution.
ASCII output¶
in the
namelist, and provides the following output files for variables at the
nodes during and at the end of the runpath
)- Sea surface elevation
- Each
model seconds, the sea surface heightis written to
(is padded with zeros to 6 digits).
- Velocity
- If
, in the output step also the horizontal velocityinterpolated to the nodes are written to
- Maximum amplitude, arrival time
- At the end of the run, the maximum amplitude at each node is written
and the arrival time (threshold of 0.01m) topath_arrivaltime.out
. - Estimated travel time
- If
, this simple estimate (based on a phase speed of) is written to
Binary output¶
A routine for binary output is implemented (enable_bin_out=.true.
but has not been used or maintained for some while. Please refer to the
source code output.F90
, subroutine binout
and adjust to your
needs. As the ASCII output was more recently added, it might be an idea
to start from the routines ascii_out_init
, ascii_out
and modify those for binary output.
Restart files¶
Time consuming computations can be divided into chunks, e.g., to meet
the time limits of a batch system. If write_restart=.true
, restart
files are written after a model time of T_chunk
seconds and TsunAWI
stops. The following model run automatically detects restart files for
the current namelist configuration (output_prefix
, type of run) and
proceeds the computation until 2
seconds are
reached and so on.